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Spirituality, Science & Crystals

Week 1: 

Topics covered:  The Science and Spirituality of How Crystals Work.

  1. How crystals function as conductors and storages devices of energy?

  • piezoelectric effect

  • How mechanical pressure affect crystals

  • How electricity affects crystals

  • How does this transfer to a spiritual practice? 

  • Transformative effect of crystals

  • Tuning effect of crystals (Oscillation)


  • Two videos posted on google classroom

  • Two Assignments based on what is covered in the video

  • One or 2 Google Meets

Week 2

Topics covered: Science and Spirituality of Crystal Structure

  1. Comparison of the structure of crystals: Exploration of crystal organization chart

  • Seven Categories of crystal geometry

  • How does structure relate to metaphysical properties? 

  • Are there connections or general patterns?

  • Sacred geometry of these structures and their meaning

  • Where are these structures found in nature?


  • Two videos posted on google classroom

  • Two assignments

  • 1 or 2 google meets

Week 3:

Topics covered Grouping crystals by Silicates, Carbonates, Oxides, Halides and Phosphates

  1. Grouping crystals by Silicates, Carbonates, Oxides, Halides and Phosphates 

  • Are there pattern to what types of crystals fall into these groups    

  • Selecting Crystals for spiritual practice based on their composition  

  • Do you use a variety of crystals with different compositions?

  • How do these groups relate to metaphysical properties?


  • 2 videos posted on google classroom

  • Two sources of reading material

  • 2 worksheets to be grades and feedback given

Week 4

Topics covered: Science, Spirituality and Crystals

This section is designed to relate the previous topics to specific practices.

  1. Astrology/ Tarot and Crystals: Are there specific crystals for each card?

  2. Meditation and Exploration of benefits of crystals with meditation

  3. Reki and Healing 

  4. Psychometry and psychic development


  • 2 videos posted on google classroom       

  • Two sources of reading material

  • 2 worksheets to be grades and feedback given

Your Instructor

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Will Brown

"Atypical Tarot"

I am a Chemistry teacher with 14 yrs. of experience, and a B.S in Biology.
Over the past few years my passion for studying both the physical and metaphysical world has driven my desire to teach not just science but a wide range of topics such as: Tarot, Astrology, Alchemy and, of course, Crystals.

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