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Kittens, Weights, and Tarot

Your Personal Mission Statement Spread

Updated: Dec 12, 2019

I got the idea of creating a personal mission statement while listening to a video by Fables Den. I hear people struggle with labels all the time, "Am I a healer, just a teacher, am I this, or just that?" Hopefully, this spread will help shed some light on your "label" & what you live by. Enjoy & much love to you guys!

Here is the link to the walk-through of this spread on my YouTube channel so, def check it out!

Your Personal Mission Statement Spread

Card 1:What is my vision for myself? How do I want to see myself?

Card 2: What problem am I currently solving? Who am I solving this problem for?

Card 3: Where do I see myself in the future?

Card 4: Something that is achievable for myself in the near future.

Card 5: Something I will not do. This goes against how I see myself.

Card 6: How can I serve others best?

Card 7: What one word best sum up all that I do & all that I am?

Card 8: What is my slogan? (Feel free to pull multiple cards for this)

Feel free to modify this spread to fit your needs. I, personally, would use this spread from time to time whenever I feel I need more clarity in defining myself. However, you can use it however you wish. Let me now if you tried this out, or any thoughts you may have on this.

Thanks for checkin' out my Mission Statement Spread--sending you off with tons of love & light!!! Peace out!

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