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Unborn children have the ultimate physical and spiritual connection with their mother. The consciousness of our unborn children can be tapped into at anytime before birth because they are in a pure energetic state. If you would like to know what messages your unborn child has for you, what they would like before their arrival, and what they would like to see you do, and how they would like you to care for yourself, before they are welcomed onto Earth, then this reading is for you. Baby has so much to say!


The Expectant Mother Reading is a 30min. telephone call, or a 20 min. re-recorded video reading.


We'll connect you with your unborn child, and see what they would like you to know before they make their way into the world :o) 


Readings can include any or all of the following: 

Tarot reading

Angel reading 

Lenormand reading

Crystal reading




Chakra work


Whatever your baby thinks is best for you!


Check out & click on "Readings" to get a feel for my reading style :o)

Expectant Mother Tarot Reading

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  • The Expectant Mother Reading is a 30min. video call, or a 20 min. pre-recorded video reading.

    We'll connect you with your unborn child, and see what they would like you to know before they make their way into the world :o) 

    Readings can include any or all of the following: 

    Tarot reading

    Angel reading 

    Lenormand reading

    Crystal reading




    Chakra work

    Whatever your baby thinks is best for you!

    Check out & click on "Readings" to get a feel for my reading style :o)

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