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Léon Mystery School

Unlock the mystery, and let the adventure begin!

"For everyone who desires better understanding of their natural intuitive abilities, our world, and the energy that surrounds each & every one of us, Léon mystery school is an online spiritual community of students & educators who assist students in understanding more about themselves & the magick around them. unlike many spiritual schools/courses, our school teaches that those who find power within themselves must help to empower others. Every course requires projects in which each student must utilize their newly acquired knowledge to help make a difference within their community and/or the planet." -- Tara (Headmistress)

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Check out our courses & meet our instructors


Dyane Arenas Caputo

"Divine Inner Love"

"Kittens, Weights, & Tarot"
"Light of Ryga"

Love Spells

Immerse yourself in candles, herbs, the elements, self-love, symbolism, tarot & more!


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Will Brown

"Atypical Tarot"

Mayan Astrology

Dive into the Mayan calendar, learn to work with the energy of day signs & numbers, learn to read your birth chart, & more!



Jonathan Dailey

"Jonathan Dailey"

Crystal Power

 Crystals are medicine and together we explore methods of harnessing their power; from understanding their complex nature to programming them with your own intention, and everything in between!  


Spirituality, Science

& Crystals

Ancestors & Past Lives

Unlock the magnificent power of crystals by exploring how they work and analyzing their structure.

This course is designed for those who want to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

How do the combination of our ancestral bloodlines and past lives interact to bring us blessings and woes in our current lifetimes? Learn how the Tarot can help us connect with our ancestors and past lives to help clear out old patterns & behaviors that are interfering with living our lives; and how we can bring in ancestral & past life skills so we can live our best lives. 

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